Sunday, May 17, 2009

Halloween in May

The days between school and summer are usually spent with my family, even more specifically with my mother making costumes for the kamp parties. This year there will be a western, pirate, mexican, and man vs. wild party. The following are the costumes my mom and I made (aka my mom designed and I did what she told me to).

For the western party: (I would make a great capitol statue)

For the Amigos/Amigos/Amigos Party: the front (my favorite food AND condiment!)

And the back: (Play on words Nutrition Label)

For the Pirate Party:

For the Man vs. Wild Party: I am wearing Cammo and a sign that says "the Wild". Apparently, I am all about the hanging sign/costume this year....hopefully these will not be water parties....


Majed said...

nice costumes
but what about the real halloween? have you thought about that? lol

Unknown said...

I just love you so much and will be seeing you before you ever even get to see this comment.