Friday, April 23, 2010


A couple days ago when it was really nice out, I got to thinking about how it was starting to feel like summer...and then I got really excited about all the "summer things" I am looking forward to.

Country music and baseball games
Vacation with the family the RV to yellowstone! Does it get any more classic than that?
All the summer food....BBQ, pasta salad, cucumbers and vinegar, La Casita
Hanging out at my grandpa's pool and trying to persuade my mom to change the radio station

Then yesterday, I talked to a kamp friend who is moving to Denver, and we were both excited that we get to be real life friends! I get to see what she wears outside of Nike shorts and tie-dyed Vnecks....She is going to Culinary school and offered to try out all sorts of recipes on me! (She is the one on the very far left)

Also yesterday, I went to a friend's wedding dress fitting. I felt so privileged or something....I've never done that! And she looked gorgeous! This was especially exciting because I wont be able to make it to her wedding, so it was fun to see her in her dress.

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