Sunday, January 24, 2010

Classes Galore....

....just kidding. I have yet to actually begin classes....or class, i guess.

The internship is going well thus far. I was a little apprehensive to begin with. It seemed as though none of us really knew exactly what we were doing, or how it was going to go, or anything really. I didnt feel prepared or sure of what the expectations were exactly.

But the most encouraging part about this has been knowing that the few months that I am putting into a Manhattan organization will not be for nothing. Its cool to see the way that the people will be blessed and the Lord glorified...even as I make flyers or hang out with kids.

Update: I am about to finish my application to Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. I have previously submitted my applications to Dallas and Denver Seminaries. I hope to hear back from them in the next few weeks to set up interviews and such.

To be honest, I'm worried about not getting in anywhere....

....then what...? Maybe I should look for an Option B*

*to all of those who took the internship class with David Thompson: please note that I said "option B" rather than "plan B" ....wouldnt want anyone to think you're talking about contraceptives ....(eyeroll here)

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