Sunday, March 23, 2008

Life Beyond the Cross

So, I decided to give up facebook for lent this year.....the idea was that not only would it be a challenge, but that I would be able to spend more amounts of time in God's Word and more time dedicated to memorizing Philippians. The first four days were the toughest, and I discovered how much more time I had during the day. But once I got a few weeks into it, I began to replace my newly found free time with tv shows (One Tree Hill, Dr. Quinn, and Lost) and youtube.

I realized this morning (Easter Sunday) that no matter what one element I remove from my life, I will replace it with something else that takes up just as much or more of my time. I am a sinful person; that is what it comes down to. It almost seems as though I continually make excuses for not spending time with my Savior.

During the service today, our church did this really cool version of personal testimonies. Each person came out with a huge white poster board. The front said something he/she had struggled with, and they would display it for our congregation to read. Then they would flip the board over, and the back would reveal the miracle Christ had done in their lives. About ten or so people/couples shared their short, simple, powerful testimonies. Background music was playing, and I found myself bawling at the end. Here are a few of testimonies shared (not word for word):

Baby has stroke and dreams are lost-->God restores and gives new dreams
Religion is just a word-->Spiritually reborn
Outraged with my own imperfections-->God shows me he is the only perfect one
Guilt after an abortion-->Freedom and healing
Severe illness-->Prayers, Peace, and Healing
Suffering from a broken marriage-->Renewed marriage

This was one of the most powerful things.....I cant even describe it. These were people in my church who are dear to me, and seeing the ways that God has worked in their lives is such a blessing. Christ rose from the grave today. He rose to give me life! Life beyond the cross!

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